

YACWA’s eNews is sent out fortnightly on a Friday. The following form is for organisations and individuals looking to promote opportunities and initiatives to young people and the youth sector in Western Australia.

YACWA eNews Submission

  • YACWA's eNews goes out to over 2,700 subscribers, including young people, youth workers and professionals from the community services sector.

    Sign up for YACWA eNews and view our latest editions. The eNews is sent fortnightly, typically on Friday afternoons, and contains updates on YACWA projects, opportunities for young people, job openings, grant programs, updates from government and various news items relevant to young people and the youth sector in WA.

    YACWA welcomes community sector organisations and relevant government departments submit their items for inclusion in our eNews via this form.

    Submit your entry below
  • A 50-100 word blurb to accompany the item. Include any relevant deadlines and closing dates as the last line in this section.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg.
    Ensure your image meets the following criteria:

    - SQUARE 1080 x 1080 pixel
    - .jpg or .png format
    - 3mb file limit
  • This is a URL or file to where people can go to find out more information. This link must start with http:// in order to be submitted.
  • As above, for a secondary call-to-action link.
  • As above, for a tertiary call-to-action link.